In our previous post here , we introduced the idea of your wedding budget. We mentioned how that is the premiere step in your wedding planning process. The next question really is, so how do I set a budget? Here are the steps we suggest: 1. Get together with your future spouse and decide how you are paying for this wedding Is family going to help? Are you a military spouse and you get some sort of aid that way? Is someone else going to sponsor it? And make sure all of this is 'money-for-hand' and not all hearsay and empty promises. If you are like the rest of us and you are solely responsible for moving this wedding ship along then move on to step 2. 2. Figure out how much savings you have. Yes, you both plan on marrying each other and eventually you will need to talk money so might as well start now. Both of you need to calculate how much money you each have in liquid savings in total today and potentially by wedding day. Then list out your immediate future plans (wedding, ...